Categories Culture

A Statement from Split Tooth Media

In our two years of existence, Split Tooth Media has never been an overtly political publication. But we want to voice our support for the thousands of organizers and activists channeling their justified anger into political action — people who are asking for nothing more than the peace, dignity, and freedom that so many Americans take for granted.

Our writers and podcasters all share a belief in promoting and developing a deeper and more nuanced understanding of human beings, of how they inhabit the world and sometimes how the world breaks them. The way we choose to do this is by writing and talking about art and artists who challenge us to see, hear, and feel in ways that go beyond our personal and daily experiences. So many of those artists are black, and many more draw influence — directly or indirectly — from black culture. For us not to acknowledge the importance of that culture in the work we do would be a massive omission. Art is a way of making sense of the world and for questioning destructive and alienating social structures. The political work being done in the streets is also a way of making sense of the world by changing it.

We are proud of the work that we do in writing, talking, and thinking about film and music as rich and complicated works of the human imagination. We will continue to do this, but there are more important voices than ours that need to be heard right now. June will be a quiet month for us. And while we appreciate your continued support, we ask that you also support the people throughout this country whose bodies are on the line, whether they are protesting in the streets or simply walking them. If you are able, we encourage you to make a donation to one or multiple bail funds or similar organizations you feel are able to help promote change. Below are some of the organizations individuals from our staff have chosen to support.

Bail Funds
Black Lives Matter
Communities United Against Police Brutality
Fair Fight
Twitter Thread for Mutual Aid Groups
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