Categories CinesthesiaFilmOctober HorrorPodcast

“The Dialectics of Werewolf Sex” — Cinesthesia Chapter 9

Cinesthesia rises from the grave to celebrate October with New Wave werewolves in a threequel from down under

This special Howl’o’ween episode starts with an age-old question: are threequels *always* great? No. They are not. But some are! And the Cinesthesia Boys are here to tell you about one. In the bold tradition of Exorcist III, Halloween III, and Godfather III, which are all the very best films from each franchise (don’t argue, you look like a fool) we present The Howling III: The Marsupials. Sharpen your fangs, guzzle some blood, and snuggle up in our New Wave natal pouch for a journey through an Ozsploitation legend. Shrimp on the barbie and all that shit! That’s not a knife! Mate!!!

Listen to the episode below or follow us on SoundCloudApple Podcasts or Spotify to stay up to date with all Split Tooth podcasts.

Revisit Cinesthesia’s ‘Hell to the King’: A 31-day odyssey through Stephen King film adaptations:

Find more October Horror 2020 here:

October Horror 2020 Graphic
(Jim Hickcox/Split Tooth Media)

Join a filmmaker (and sometimes film teacher) and a film teacher (and sometimes filmmaker) as they venture into the dark heart of their own befuddled relationship to culture, the youth, the internet, friendship, love, hate, time, space and, of course: *m*o*v*i*e*s*. Come hear what we see.

CINESTHESIA is produced by Iguanodonald Studios and distributed by Split Tooth Media. Music for Cinesthesia is generously provided by the greatest bands that have ever been, The Coctails and Soft Healer. Find Cinesthesia on Twitter and Soundcloud.

Follow Split Tooth Media to stay up to date with all things October Horror
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Join a filmmaker (and sometimes film teacher) and a film teacher (and sometimes filmmaker) as they venture into the dark heart of their own befuddled relationship to culture, the youth, the internet, friendship, love, hate, time, space and, of course: *m*o*v*i*e*s* Twitter: @cinesthesiapod