Categories CinesthesiaPodcast

“Philosophies of Death and Life” — Cinesthesia Chapter 6

The Boys are going on the road! Or, at least, Jason is. Or, well, he did. (This was recorded back when we all did things like leave the house.)

Jason is on a late night drive and Jim is his phone-a-friend in the trivia game of life. Together they ponder the important questions, the ones that sit deep inside your bones and echo through your chest cavity when you’re trying to sleep: Did Alfred Hitchcock hate life or love death? How well did Dario Argento understand his own films? And perhaps most pertinent of all to the spiritual well-being of the human race: Is it possible to love and respect Nicolas Cage too much? (Spoiler alert: No.)

Related: Dario Argento And The Three Mothers: Evil On The Wind, Menace In The Walls by Jason Michelitch

Listen to the episode below or follow us on SoundCloudApple Podcasts or Spotify to stay up to date with all Split Tooth podcasts.

Catch up on past chapters of Cinesthesia here:

Join a filmmaker (and sometimes film teacher) and a film teacher (and sometimes filmmaker) as they venture into the dark heart of their own befuddled relationship to culture, the youth, the internet, friendship, love, hate, time, space and, of course: *m*o*v*i*e*s*. Come hear what we see.

CINESTHESIA is produced by Iguanodonald Studios and distributed by Split Tooth Media. Music for Cinesthesia is generously provided by the greatest bands that have ever been, The Coctails and Soft Healer.

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Join a filmmaker (and sometimes film teacher) and a film teacher (and sometimes filmmaker) as they venture into the dark heart of their own befuddled relationship to culture, the youth, the internet, friendship, love, hate, time, space and, of course: *m*o*v*i*e*s* Twitter: @cinesthesiapod