Categories October HorrorPodcastReel Rap

Reel Rap: ‘The Night of the Hunter’ (1955)

Reel Rap is taking a break from Sofia Coppola films to jump into Split Tooth’s 31 Days of October Horror series

Actor Charles Laughton’s first and only directorial effort, The Night of the Hunter (1955), follows a mysterious preacher with “LOVE” and “HATE” knuckle tattoos on the hunt for $10,000 hidden in a little girl’s doll. Reel Rap puts on their best southern accents to dig into the strange Gothic fantasia and rate the Bible an 8 out of 10.

Also in this episode: smelling salts, reviews of weird and peculiar film reviews and an ice cream-serving family named the Spoons.

A comedy duo straight out of William Penn’s backyard, Bennett Glace, an adult Disney fan, and Shane Pfender, an ordained minister, have for years lent a critical eye to Hollywood’s most tedious auteurs. They are a comedy duo for film snobs and slobs alike. Exhausted by the current uninspired landscape of film criticism, the two work to find a new language with which to understand and interact with the films they cover on their inimitable podcast, Reel Rap.

Find the complete October Horror Archive here:

October Horror archive graphic
(Graphic by Jim Hickcox)

For past episodes of Reel Rap, visit their Soundcloud here, or for exclusive episodes, head to their Patreon.

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A comedy duo straight out of William Penn’s backyard, Bennett Glace, an adult Disney fan, and Shane Pfender, an ordained minister, have for years lent a critical eye to Hollywood’s most tedious auteurs. They are a comedy duo for film snobs and slobs alike. Exhausted by the current uninspired landscape of film criticism, the two work to find a new language with which to understand and interact with the films they cover on their inimitable podcast, Reel Rap.