Categories Reel RapSofia Coppola

Sofia Coppola’s ‘Somewhere’ — Reel Rap S5 E4

Reel Rap makes its triumphant return to the films of Sofia Coppola

After taking a short break for Split Tooth Media‘s 31 Days of October Horror series, Shane and Bennett resume their deep dive into Sofia Coppola’s filmography. Episode 4 covers 2010’s Somewhere, her subdued follow-up to the critically maligned Marie Antoinette (2006). They also share stories about bad bar experiences and discuss the gossip surrounding Benicio del Toro’s elevator cameo.

Catch up on Reel Rap Season 5: Sofia Coppola

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A comedy duo straight out of William Penn’s backyard, Bennett Glace, an adult Disney fan, and Shane Pfender, an ordained minister, have for years lent a critical eye to Hollywood’s most tedious auteurs. They are a comedy duo for film snobs and slobs alike. Exhausted by the current uninspired landscape of film criticism, the two work to find a new language with which to understand and interact with the films they cover on their inimitable podcast, Reel Rap.