Categories October HorrorPodcastSplit Picks

Split Picks: Dario Argento Pt. 1: ‘The Stendhal Syndrome’ (1992)

Split Picks takes its October series across the Atlantic to look at the greats of Italian horror

Following last year’s series talking about the American titans of horror — Tobe Hooper, John Carpenter, Wes Craven, and George A. Romero — Split Picks visits another country renowned for its horror films: Italy. First up is Dario Argento, a master of giallo, gore, and guts. Argento has directed some of the most iconic moments and films in all of horror. His most famous works include Suspiria, Deep Red, Inferno, and Tenebre. With Bennett Glace and Steve Collins, Split Picks wrestles with Argento’s 1992 film The Stendhal Syndrome, arguably his last great film and one full of controversy. [Editor’s note: This episode discusses graphic sexual assault and violence presented in the film.]

In the starring role is Dario’s daughter Asia Argento, who plays Anna Manni, a detective in pursuit of a serial rapist and murderer. While at a museum in Florence, she experiences Stendhal Syndrome, which draws her in to painting and causes her to collapse following her fugue state. She continues to be overwhelmed by works of art, all while the suspect she is chasing begins to hunt her.

This is the first of a two-part episode, with Pt. 2 about Argento’s The Phantom Of The Opera available now.

Listen to the episode below, or on SpotifyApple, or Amazon:

As mentioned on the show, you can listen to The Pink Smoke Podcast’s epic Dario Argento episode on SoundCloud here.

Listen to last year’s series on the American Horror Titans: John Carpenter, Wes Craven, Tobe Hooper, and George A. Romero:

Purchase The Stendhal Syndrome or stream it on Amazon
Stay up to date with all things Split Tooth Media and follow Bennett and Craig on Twitter
Split Picks theme music by Nick Miller, Lee Walker, and Craig Wright
(Split Tooth may earn a commission from purchases made through affiliate links on our site.)

Find the complete October Horror 2022 series here:

(Graphic by Jim Hickcox, Split Tooth Media)
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Split Picks is the first original podcast from Split Tooth Media. We discuss two lesser-heralded works from a single artist and compare and contrast them to discover what these albums or films tell us about that artist's career. Created by Craig Wright.